Monday, July 25, 2011

Role Models

I was watching a reality tv show the other day and something one of the contestants did really got me thinking. I am not usually one to watch reality tv, but I started watching this show mainly because someone I have been a fan of for years was participating and I wanted to give my support. He is actually the inspiration for this blog. In one particular episode, he stood up for one of the other contestants who was being ridiculed and bullied if you will. It could have very easily cost him everything he had worked so hard for, but he did it simply because it was the right thing to do. This got me thinking about the kind of role models our chidren/teenagers are being exposed to these days.

I remember when I was growing up I had role models I looked up to, people that I wanted to be like. I thought it was cool to be a professional athlete, a famous musician, or a movie star. However, I was also extremely naive, because as I got older I found that some of these same people I looked up to may not have always been the best people to admire, and as I matured I realized it takes more than a famous face to be a good role model.

Unfortunately, times have changed, and the role models this generation are looking up to are much worse than some of those I looked up to. I believe this has alot to do with the state of the world today. The thought that drugs are cool, promescuity is accepted simply because everyones doing it, and its ok to sabotage someone in the name of competition are the lessons being taught today. I love music and movies as much as the next person, but it really bugs me that some famous people lead their public lives with no regard sometimes to what message they are sending to their fans. When you are in the public eye, everything you do right or wrong is seen by the world. Celebrities have been given a platform that reaches millions of people and with this platform, they have the ability to change the world one person at a time for the better. However, many take this opportunity for granted and make it all about them. Therefore, it pleases me when I see someone who takes his/her calling seriously and makes the best of the platform they have been given to help and encourage. This brings me to the guy I was speaking of above.

This singer sings with an Irish group who travels all over the US and Canada and has been doing so for several years. Throughout the years I have been a fan of the group and this singer, I have only seen fans take away positive messages from this group because they are good guys with good hearts who believe they were blessed by God with an amazing talent to touch lives and inspire people. They go out every tour and with every CD they record, with one thing in mind - what can we do for our fans this trip? They love their fans and thank them constantly for their support and they try to live to a certain standard as to not let their fans down.

This specific singer I am referring to is the youngest of the group and although he has been touring since he was only 14, he is the one who has the youngest age group of fans, therefore he has the ability to be a wonderful role model to children/teens who hear his music or see his shows. I believe this is an honor he doesn't take lightly. As I watched him stand up for his friend because it was the right thing to do, it really moved me to see this kind of selflessness on tv. I want him to win this competition, not just because I am a fan of his voice, but because I am a fan of his heart! His parents and the adult mentors in his life have taught him the importance of helping and encouraging people in their time of need. I know the fan base for the show he is auditioning for is worldwide and consists of young adult/teenagers and I know they would benefit greatly to see this young man and look up to him as a role model.

Unfortunately, children/teenagers now days are being exposed to all kinds of things through tv, radio, and even in schools and sadly churches that are not positive. I know I may make some people mad but the truth is our world has turned out in such a negative way because the people in our lives that are supposed to mentor and guide us have failed to teach us what is right and wrong behavior. Children learn by example. They learn to talk and act by mimicking things they see and hear. If a child/teen is exposed to a lifestyle full of selfishness, bullying, jealousy, and pride and are not taught otherwise, they will grow up to believe this behavior is ok and in turn, teach others that look up to them the same. Sadly, the people in our lives who should be our best role models are sometimes too busy with their own lives to worry about what is shaping ours, so this generation turns to the tv, internet and radio to fill that void and without someone to guide them on whether what they see and hear is right, they grow up not knowing or understanding or simply not caring that what they are doing to others is wrong. Also, unfortunately, alot of media outlets shy away from people like this young man because to be a good person who teaches good things is frowned upon in the industry. The producers/directors/writers want to have all the controversy and negative things that cause drama because that is what the people want to see and it just continues the vicious cycle.

It is important, now more than ever, to have positive role models in our children's lives. There are too many suicides, murders, and hate crimes due to the lack of proper guidance and positive role models. Please take a moment and talk to your child. Find out how they stand on certain issues. Talk to them about how they look at other people and teach them that being different is not bad. We are all special and our differences are what make us who we are. If we were all the same, the world would be pretty boring. With every person we meet, we have the chance to shape that person's life in a positive way. There will be times that we will falter and that in turn will lead others to falter, but all that is asked of us is to try our best to be the best we can be, so that we can help others be the best they can be!

Monday, June 13, 2011

What Is Friendship????

The dictionary definies friendship as the state of being a friend. Therefore to have friendship with a person, one must first be friends with another person. I believe this is where potential problems in friendship arise because there are many ways to define a friend. Ultimately, one person's definition of what it means to be a friend can vary greatly from another's definition.

You are probably asking yourself, "What is the meaning of this blog?" Well, it has been weighing heavily on me lately about what it means to be a true friend. Situations have arisen in my life the past few weeks that have allowed me to show my love and friendship toward others and these circumstances have allowed me some moments of assessment about the way I define friendship.

As with everything in my life, I try to live my life in such a way that pleases God, therefore, I use the Bible as my guide for what I believe defines true friendship. Here are a few verses:

A friend loves at all times... (Proverbs 17:17a)

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24)

This verse is probably, in my opinion, the best definition of friendship:
Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. (John 15:13)

You see, a friend is someone who is sometimes more like family than your own family. A friend is someone who is not afraid to be brutally honest even if it hurts. A friend is someone you will help anyway you possibly can. I have seen friends actually demonstrate that last verse listed above. Soldiers who fight on our front lines lay down their lives for their fellow friends/soldiers everyday. I have seen friends donate organs to help a friend in need of a kidney or something like that. That, in my opinion, is the definition of friendship.

However, I have noticed lately that this definition of Godly true friendship tends to be a little one-sided sometimes. I know I have had "friends" who say "I will be there for you anytime you need me. I will pray for you and encourage you and uplift you anytime you need me." That sounds like good promises right? But, most of the time it is just lip-service. I know I am not a perfect friend, but when I say "I will pray for you or I will come to your aid or I am here for whatever you need", I try my very best to stick to that word. However, I have been on the receiving end of way too many of those broken promises. When I have needed those same "friends", they were no where to be found, but then a few days/weeks/months later another problem arises with them and they look me up wanting my help again. When this chain of events keeps happening, it tends to hurt deeply, but what kind of Christian person would I be to turn my back on a brother/sister in need, so I help them out anyway knowing my heart will probably get hurt in the process.

If you happen to be a friend like me, who gives their all and tries their best to keep their promises to their friends, then good for you! Keep it up because you will be richly rewarded one day! Unfortunately, it seems we are in the minority. If you happen to be one of these "friends" who takes and takes, but never gives back, shame on you! I don't write this blog to condemn you or preach at you, but just to remind you that the next time you call someone friend, take a moment and remember what that title really means because there is someone out there who calls you friend that takes the job VERY seriously and they ask for the same respect in return!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Christian Walk - Southern Gospel Style

*Please take a moment and watch the videos that accompany this blog.

When we surrender our lives to Christ, become saved and then baptized, we are making a public statement of faith about how we choose to live our lives from that moment forward.

With this statement of faith, can come many hardships. When we surrender our lives to His will and His calling, things from the old life can clash with things from the new life. Sometimes it is loss of friends, who feel that you are not fitting to be in their clique anymore. Sometimes it is loss of loved ones/family members who aren't where you are in your faith, therefore, they judge you and condemn you. I am assurred that even if you have not experienced these particular hardships, you will encounter different ones in your spiritual journey. The Word tells us of all the many followers of Christ. Not one was immune to hardship throughout their walk.

The great thing is that despite the hardships we might endure in this earthly life, He will never leave us or forsake us. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and what He did for His followers in the Bible days, He will surely do for you. Praise God that the Great I Am Still Is!!!

As we mature in our Christian walk, the Lord will place various callings on our lives to carry out His commandments. He will equip us with the gifts we need to better serve His Kingdom for His glory. One of the most important things He requires of us, is to go far and wide and preach His Word to the unbelievers that need to hear about His abundant grace and neverending mercy!

Once we heed the calling on our lives and set out on the lifelong journey of being His servants for His Kingdom, many more tests and hardships will come our way. Just as before, He will continue to walk with us as we experience these moments in our life. And just as before we need to look no further than Him to provide all the strengh and courage to stand.

Friends, we have a promise that despite all the things we may face in this life, as long as we know Him, there will always be a light after the dark. So as we, Christians, continue the fight of winning souls for His Kingdom, don't lose your faith, because its Almost Morning!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Complacent Christians

Have we gotten so complacent in our Christian walk and in our churches that we have become "Christian Robots"?  I visited a church recently and as I was observing the various aspects of the service, the term "Christian robots" just kept leaping into my mind.  I would watch these people and they would praise on cue, raise their hands on cue, stand on cue, and even pray on cue, just like a bunch of robots.  Now don't misunderstand me, I am not condemning these acts because all church services have the congregation do these things on cue, as a whole, various times throughout the service.  However, when a congregation is doing these things as a group, one can look around and see the individuality of the people throughout the group, but not at this church.

I have had the privilege to minister in many churches of various denominations, so I have seen how the church services are conducted.  Usually the first part of the service is a praise/musical worship time followed by a time of studying God's Word.  During the musical part of the service, the congregation will be asked, of course, to stand and sing, stand and pray, or stand and read something from the bulletin, etc.  However, even though this is usually done in one accord, everyone brings some individuality to it, rather it is through their accent, their vocal range, even how they pray (i.e. with raised hands, folded hands, closed eyes, etc).  When I began to watch the members of this church interact in their worship service it was, for lack of a better word, monotonous.  The praise team/praise leader would start to sing and then raise her hands to which the congregation would promptly raise their hands as to mimic her.  They would continue this until she finished the song and lowered her hands, at which time, they did the same.  It was as if we were doing VBS action songs to follow the leader.  I am a firm believer in letting the Holy Spirit lead us in our praise!  Just because someone is raising their hands and shouting in praise doesn't mean the Holy Spirit is leading you too!  He may be leading you to be reverent and in silent prayer/praise in your seat as opposed to standing to your feet with hands raised.  When has church become so passive and complacent that we just play "follow the leader", instead of "listen to the Holy Spirit"!

Now on to the sermon part of the service.  Again, I have seen many preachers/ministers present the Gospel in various ways, and have seen many church members respond to their teachings in various different ways.  When it became time for the preaching part of the service at this church, the "robotics" seemed to get worse.  Various times throughout the sermon, the preacher would say something to which he would expect an "Amen" or possibly "Praise the Lord".  When he didn't receive the appropriate response, he would begin to coax the audience to which they would "obediently" reply to whatever phrase he told them to say (i.e. "can I get an Amen or how about a Praise the Lord").  I know there are times throughout the sermon, a preacher will do something similar to make sure the audience is indeed paying attention.  During those times, you will usually hear a few "Amens" and a few "Come ons", mixed with a few "Preach on brother", along with a few "Praise the Lords".  Very rarely do you hear an entire congregation reply, much less reply with the same statement.  Well, not only did the entire congregation reply, they all replied with the same phrase as "prompted'.  Just as the Holy Spirit should lead us on how we publicly praise, I believe the same applies to our verbal agreement to the sermon!  If the Lord has not lead you to "Amen", then don't do it.  Some people are more outspoken in a service and that's ok, but don't get so complacent that you feel you must do the same to "fit" with your congregation.

Bottom line: God made each of us different!  We WILL differ in the way we praise and pray from the others in our congregation and we SHOULD!  The Lord expects us to praise Him and pray to Him in the way He leads us, not the way man thinks we should!  Don't become a "Christian robot" when in your church service! Don't become so complacent that you "follow the leader" and forget to "follow the Leader"!!!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!

First of all, I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!  I hope that everyone will take a moment today to reflect on the real reason for the season-the babe in a manger named Jesus Christ. 

I have always been one who would rather give than receive.  Now don't get me wrong, I love to get gifts just as much as the next girl, but there is just something special about seeing the smile of a child on Christmas morning or the joy on the face of the joyless.  This Christmas holiday was especially hard for me.  I felt very alone and sad while everyone else around me was having a joyous, wonderful time.  I wanted to tell them what was going on with me, but then I felt guilty that somehow that would destroy their joy for the holiday, so I bottled it all up.  I knew what was the root of my sadness, so I took it to the only one I knew could truly understand - the Lord.  I laid all my problems at His feet and made a decision to enjoy the holiday the best way I could.  Little did I know the Lord was working out what would be an amazing Christmas holiday for me.

It all started when my mom and I went Christmas shopping a few days ago.  Neither one of us really wanted to go to this particular store because there were so many people, but something just kept drawing us there.  We finally gave in to the urge and went in.  As we were checking out, it began to be made clear to us the reason for being lead to this place.  To make a long story short, the sales lady was going through a terrible time in her life right then and through huge tears she began to unburden herself.  She continued to tell us her story, all the while, my mom and myself knew the Lord had sent us there to help and encourage this woman.  I told her we would pray for her and after leaving the store, Mom and I did just that in the parking lot in our car.  We felt this was an urgent prayer and we took the time right then to go to the Father about it.  The Lord then placed a task in our hearts that we knew, if obedient, would brighten her day and ours.  We preceded to follow through with the Lord's direction and sure enough, it was a confirmation of something she had been praying about that very morning.  It was an amazing feeling to be able to bring joy to a life who seemed to have lost theirs.  It made my gloomy day brighter to know that I was able to do this and make someone's holiday very special.

A few days later, I had an answer to my own prayers unfold in a similar manner.  To give you a little history, there is a little girl, who is not my biological child, but she has my heart as if she were.  Her family has been through tremendous trials in her little short life.  Because of this, I try to bring some joy and peace into her life whenever possible.  Well, this Christmas would be one of those trials.  I bought her some presents to have under the tree because every kid likes getting presents.  I had just intended to leave them with her dad and let him give them to her, all the while, wishing I could be there to see her open them.  I didn't want to intrude without being invited, so I prayed "Lord if it be your will, please let me spend Christmas with this family, so I can see her open her presents."  Literally a few hours after praying this prayer, a phone call came that would change my holiday completely around.  Her father called and asked if I would like to bring the presents over and give them to her myself.  Of course I went and it was a magical moment that I know had God's stamp all over it. 

If I were to have written this blog a week ago, I believe the tone of it would have been sad and unfestive, but thankfully God has once again shown His awesomeness to bring about a time of love, celebration, and joy. I have always believed that this time of year is full of miracles for the brokenhearted, the lonely, the sick, and the lost.  I know I received a Christmas miracle this year!!! What better time to see miracles and wonders than a time when a true ultimate miracle took place - the birth of Jesus to a virgin to save this sinful world!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

"What Faith Can Do"

NOTE: This blog was originally written in September 2010.

What Faith Can Do by Kutless

Everybody falls sometimes
You gotta find the strength to rise
From the ashes and make a new beginning
Anyone can feel the ache
You think it’s more than you can take
But you’re stronger, stronger than you know
And don’t you give up now
The sun will soon be shining
You gotta face the clouds
To find the silver lining

CHORUS:  I’ve seen dreams that move the mountains
Hope that doesn’t ever end
Even when the sky is falling
I’ve seen miracles just happen
Silent prayers get answered
Broken hearts become brand new
That’s what faith can do

It doesn’t matter what you’ve heard
Impossible is not a word
It’s just a reason for someone not to try
Everybody’s scared to death
You may decide to take that step
Out on the water
But it’ll be all right
Life is so much more
Than what your eyes are seeing
You will find your way
If you keep believing

(Repeat Chorus) 

Overcome the odds
When you don’t have a chance
(That’s what faith can do)
When the world says you can’t
It will tell you that it can

(Repeat Chorus) 

I recently heard this song on the radio and it really spoke to my heart.  I know there are many times when the trials in my life seem so heavy that my faith begins to waiver.  You ever been there?  Even though we are Christians and have faith in the One who can do the impossible, we are also humans who are guilty of being a doubting Thomas.  I know first hand that keeping your faith and holding your head high when you are in the midst of the strongest, nastiest storm of your life is hard.  I have been there before myself and unfortunately I know it won't be the last time.  I have been in the midst of some storms in my life recently and I believe the Lord sent this song my way to encourage me never to lose faith because He is always there.  There is not much I can say to add to the message of these beautiful lyrics, so I am just going to let them speak for themselves.  I hope this song can give you encouragement in the midst of your storm just as it has done for me.


NOTE: This blog was originally written in June 2010.

As I was going through some CDs in my collection today, I came across a song that I had completely forgotten I even owned. The name of the song is "Anyway." For anyone who hasn't heard it, I will include several lyrics throughout the course of this note. You know, as Christians, we can sometimes get discouraged in our daily walk. However, we should never give up, because we never know when our triumphs will encourage others.

-"You can spend your whole life building something from nothing
One storm can come and blow it all away, build it anyway."

How true is this? I have seen this happen so many times to people, my parents included. People work so hard to build something, whether it be a business or home, and then in one moment an earthquake, tornado, hurricane, or fire can come and blow it all away. But if you ask any one of these people if they would have done something different had they known the outcome, many of them would say no. This is because despite the devastation, there are alot of great memories that came from it, whether it be a family bonding moment while constructing, or just simply a father teaching a son how to run the family business. You see they might not have had those precious moments, if they had decided not to build because they were afraid it would one day be gone.

-"You can chase a dream that seems so out of reach
And it might not ever come your way, dream it anyway"

I think it is great to dream. I think we should have goals and aspirations in life. Don't ever believe that you can't do something because someone told you that you weren't tall enough or smart enough or pretty enough or talented enough. This world is filled with people who were told their dreams were out of reach, but because they never gave up dreaming, they are now an astronaut, baseball star, professional musician, actor, etc. Dare to dream!! If you believe this is your calling from God and your desire, then don't let anyone take it away from you!

-"This world's gone crazy and it's hard to believe
That tomorrow will be better than today, believe it anyway"

The state of this world is in a bad way, but we should never give up on it. As long as there are praying Christians interceding for the state of this world, then to believe that it will be better tomorrow than today is not unreasonable. People tend to forget that God is still in control of everything. Nothing that has happened in this world happened without passing through God's hands first. Nothing is impossible when we put our trust in God!! We want a better place for our children and grandchildren, so instead of giving up on the world, believe and have faith that it can change.

-"You can love someone with all your heart, for all the right reasons
And in a moment they can choose to walk away, love them anyway"

This verse hits home for me because the person that I loved with all my heart did walk away. I did wonder if I had known how it would end, would I have followed the same path and the answer is yes. I struggled some time after our break up wondering if I could ever love again and that answer is yes too. You see I realized that loving and losing is a part of life. If we were afraid to loose, then we would be missing out on a great part of life-to be loved and to love. My advice is don't be afraid to love deeply. I know that advice is hard to take because to love deeply and lose deeply is almost life destroying sometimes. But, think of it this way, you may be the only person in his/her life that loves them and whether or not it is meant for eternity, it could change someone's life to be loved and cared for that deeply.

-"You can pour your soul out singing a song you believe in
That tomorrow they'll forget you ever sang, sing it anyway"

This statement is so true in the ministry. A preacher, missionary, singer, etc can spend hours presenting a message and then people walk right out the door and never know what exactly was said. Here is what I say to all you in a ministry out there, do it anyway!!!! Don't stop preaching because you don't think anyone is listening!! Don't stop singing because you don't think anyone is listening!! We may not see the yield, but we must be faithful to plant the seed!! There may be 99 that leave without hearing the message, but there may be one that did hear it. I know firsthand how discouraging it can be not to see a change in someone's life after you have poured your heart and soul into a message, but we, as ministers of the Gospel, can only present the truth, we can't force them to listen. We just have to preach, sing, teach, lead anyway, and let God do the rest!!

Bottom line: Life is full of trials and tribulations, but don't let them keep you from being the person God has called you to be!!! The storms, the broken dreams, the broken hearts, etc are just stumbling blocks that trip us up. We have to pick ourselves up, wipe the dirt off our clothes, and move forward because we have an ultimate reward that far surpasses all these earthly desires!!

Lyrics were written by: Martina McBride, Brad and Brett Warren