Monday, June 13, 2011

What Is Friendship????

The dictionary definies friendship as the state of being a friend. Therefore to have friendship with a person, one must first be friends with another person. I believe this is where potential problems in friendship arise because there are many ways to define a friend. Ultimately, one person's definition of what it means to be a friend can vary greatly from another's definition.

You are probably asking yourself, "What is the meaning of this blog?" Well, it has been weighing heavily on me lately about what it means to be a true friend. Situations have arisen in my life the past few weeks that have allowed me to show my love and friendship toward others and these circumstances have allowed me some moments of assessment about the way I define friendship.

As with everything in my life, I try to live my life in such a way that pleases God, therefore, I use the Bible as my guide for what I believe defines true friendship. Here are a few verses:

A friend loves at all times... (Proverbs 17:17a)

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24)

This verse is probably, in my opinion, the best definition of friendship:
Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. (John 15:13)

You see, a friend is someone who is sometimes more like family than your own family. A friend is someone who is not afraid to be brutally honest even if it hurts. A friend is someone you will help anyway you possibly can. I have seen friends actually demonstrate that last verse listed above. Soldiers who fight on our front lines lay down their lives for their fellow friends/soldiers everyday. I have seen friends donate organs to help a friend in need of a kidney or something like that. That, in my opinion, is the definition of friendship.

However, I have noticed lately that this definition of Godly true friendship tends to be a little one-sided sometimes. I know I have had "friends" who say "I will be there for you anytime you need me. I will pray for you and encourage you and uplift you anytime you need me." That sounds like good promises right? But, most of the time it is just lip-service. I know I am not a perfect friend, but when I say "I will pray for you or I will come to your aid or I am here for whatever you need", I try my very best to stick to that word. However, I have been on the receiving end of way too many of those broken promises. When I have needed those same "friends", they were no where to be found, but then a few days/weeks/months later another problem arises with them and they look me up wanting my help again. When this chain of events keeps happening, it tends to hurt deeply, but what kind of Christian person would I be to turn my back on a brother/sister in need, so I help them out anyway knowing my heart will probably get hurt in the process.

If you happen to be a friend like me, who gives their all and tries their best to keep their promises to their friends, then good for you! Keep it up because you will be richly rewarded one day! Unfortunately, it seems we are in the minority. If you happen to be one of these "friends" who takes and takes, but never gives back, shame on you! I don't write this blog to condemn you or preach at you, but just to remind you that the next time you call someone friend, take a moment and remember what that title really means because there is someone out there who calls you friend that takes the job VERY seriously and they ask for the same respect in return!!

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