Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Christian Walk - Southern Gospel Style

*Please take a moment and watch the videos that accompany this blog.

When we surrender our lives to Christ, become saved and then baptized, we are making a public statement of faith about how we choose to live our lives from that moment forward.

With this statement of faith, can come many hardships. When we surrender our lives to His will and His calling, things from the old life can clash with things from the new life. Sometimes it is loss of friends, who feel that you are not fitting to be in their clique anymore. Sometimes it is loss of loved ones/family members who aren't where you are in your faith, therefore, they judge you and condemn you. I am assurred that even if you have not experienced these particular hardships, you will encounter different ones in your spiritual journey. The Word tells us of all the many followers of Christ. Not one was immune to hardship throughout their walk.

The great thing is that despite the hardships we might endure in this earthly life, He will never leave us or forsake us. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and what He did for His followers in the Bible days, He will surely do for you. Praise God that the Great I Am Still Is!!!

As we mature in our Christian walk, the Lord will place various callings on our lives to carry out His commandments. He will equip us with the gifts we need to better serve His Kingdom for His glory. One of the most important things He requires of us, is to go far and wide and preach His Word to the unbelievers that need to hear about His abundant grace and neverending mercy!

Once we heed the calling on our lives and set out on the lifelong journey of being His servants for His Kingdom, many more tests and hardships will come our way. Just as before, He will continue to walk with us as we experience these moments in our life. And just as before we need to look no further than Him to provide all the strengh and courage to stand.

Friends, we have a promise that despite all the things we may face in this life, as long as we know Him, there will always be a light after the dark. So as we, Christians, continue the fight of winning souls for His Kingdom, don't lose your faith, because its Almost Morning!!

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