Monday, December 20, 2010


NOTE: This blog was originally written in June 2010.

As I was going through some CDs in my collection today, I came across a song that I had completely forgotten I even owned. The name of the song is "Anyway." For anyone who hasn't heard it, I will include several lyrics throughout the course of this note. You know, as Christians, we can sometimes get discouraged in our daily walk. However, we should never give up, because we never know when our triumphs will encourage others.

-"You can spend your whole life building something from nothing
One storm can come and blow it all away, build it anyway."

How true is this? I have seen this happen so many times to people, my parents included. People work so hard to build something, whether it be a business or home, and then in one moment an earthquake, tornado, hurricane, or fire can come and blow it all away. But if you ask any one of these people if they would have done something different had they known the outcome, many of them would say no. This is because despite the devastation, there are alot of great memories that came from it, whether it be a family bonding moment while constructing, or just simply a father teaching a son how to run the family business. You see they might not have had those precious moments, if they had decided not to build because they were afraid it would one day be gone.

-"You can chase a dream that seems so out of reach
And it might not ever come your way, dream it anyway"

I think it is great to dream. I think we should have goals and aspirations in life. Don't ever believe that you can't do something because someone told you that you weren't tall enough or smart enough or pretty enough or talented enough. This world is filled with people who were told their dreams were out of reach, but because they never gave up dreaming, they are now an astronaut, baseball star, professional musician, actor, etc. Dare to dream!! If you believe this is your calling from God and your desire, then don't let anyone take it away from you!

-"This world's gone crazy and it's hard to believe
That tomorrow will be better than today, believe it anyway"

The state of this world is in a bad way, but we should never give up on it. As long as there are praying Christians interceding for the state of this world, then to believe that it will be better tomorrow than today is not unreasonable. People tend to forget that God is still in control of everything. Nothing that has happened in this world happened without passing through God's hands first. Nothing is impossible when we put our trust in God!! We want a better place for our children and grandchildren, so instead of giving up on the world, believe and have faith that it can change.

-"You can love someone with all your heart, for all the right reasons
And in a moment they can choose to walk away, love them anyway"

This verse hits home for me because the person that I loved with all my heart did walk away. I did wonder if I had known how it would end, would I have followed the same path and the answer is yes. I struggled some time after our break up wondering if I could ever love again and that answer is yes too. You see I realized that loving and losing is a part of life. If we were afraid to loose, then we would be missing out on a great part of life-to be loved and to love. My advice is don't be afraid to love deeply. I know that advice is hard to take because to love deeply and lose deeply is almost life destroying sometimes. But, think of it this way, you may be the only person in his/her life that loves them and whether or not it is meant for eternity, it could change someone's life to be loved and cared for that deeply.

-"You can pour your soul out singing a song you believe in
That tomorrow they'll forget you ever sang, sing it anyway"

This statement is so true in the ministry. A preacher, missionary, singer, etc can spend hours presenting a message and then people walk right out the door and never know what exactly was said. Here is what I say to all you in a ministry out there, do it anyway!!!! Don't stop preaching because you don't think anyone is listening!! Don't stop singing because you don't think anyone is listening!! We may not see the yield, but we must be faithful to plant the seed!! There may be 99 that leave without hearing the message, but there may be one that did hear it. I know firsthand how discouraging it can be not to see a change in someone's life after you have poured your heart and soul into a message, but we, as ministers of the Gospel, can only present the truth, we can't force them to listen. We just have to preach, sing, teach, lead anyway, and let God do the rest!!

Bottom line: Life is full of trials and tribulations, but don't let them keep you from being the person God has called you to be!!! The storms, the broken dreams, the broken hearts, etc are just stumbling blocks that trip us up. We have to pick ourselves up, wipe the dirt off our clothes, and move forward because we have an ultimate reward that far surpasses all these earthly desires!!

Lyrics were written by: Martina McBride, Brad and Brett Warren

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